Mid-Year Reflection

Bindhu Unny
4 min readJul 8, 2021


Mid-year reflection process helps me to identify how far I have come and make adjustments to those things that are no longer working. It also encourages me to be grateful — for where I am, what I have achieved and what I can learn from the things that haven’t gone so well.

So as we approached the mid-year point this year, I took a little time to think about where I am and where I am heading. I considered some categories and questions to help me with the process. If you would like to explore where you are in your life and work right now, please feel free to use these journaling prompts. They are gentle questions to help you explore and celebrate the months that have passed. We all experience life differently, so please feel free to use any of the prompts that resonate with you.

1. Goals

What were your goals at the beginning of this year?

What has remained the same, expanded or changed completely? Where have you made progress?

2. Growth

What did you learn? What did you discover about yourself?

Has anything surprised you?

Fill in the blank: “This year, one of the best decisions I made was _______.”

3. Memory

What is one event you remember so far this year? What makes it memorable?

4. Gratitude

What worked well and felt good?

What were you grateful for?

What brought you happiness, contentment, and joy?

Who is someone who has been an important part of you life this year — like an amazing friend, mentor, or colleague? Have you said “thank you” to that person recently?

5. Challenges

What is not working for you so far? Was there anything missing? Was there anything draining you of your energy, motivation and time?

6. Habits.

What habits do I need to develop and strengthen? What three habits, if developed and sustained, would have the greatest positive impact on my work life and personal life? What habits do I know I need to drop or replace?

7. Plans

What is something you definitely want to create, achieve, or experience before the end of this year?

I hope the questions help you to gain some insight and clarity while enabling you to consider what you would like to move forward. When making plans and setting goals and intentions, remember that it is okay to change your mind and that you can reset, re-focus and restart as often as you need to. For the most part, there are no rules so please give yourself permission to go at your own pace and live the life you want to live.

Are you seeking some support and accountability?

If you are feeling overwhelmed or stuck and would like to explore your options and ideas with a coach, then I would love to hear from you. I can help you move forward and find clarity, focus, fulfilment, and joy — whatever that looks and feels like for you. If you would like to find out how my coaching can help you in your life and work, please get in touch to book a free introductory coaching call. I very much look forward to hearing from you.

